<== that's Oliver and us girls. He's our sexy Australian writer extraordinaire! I'll be taking massive amounts of pictures tonight, of everyone that I haven't yet photographed. I'm actually bringing my camera tonight, which I never do. I usually just steal other people's pictures, like I did in this post, and I've collected more, so I'm posting some here for you to see...

Bri and I, and also our shoes we got in Bath. We're in love with these shoes. LOVE. And also, could I look any more like my father?!? Look at my left eye!! Dad, I'll strangle you for passing me your heavy eye-lid genes...

Carlin and I with our boys: Sean, who is one of our 2 fellow film screening wine drinkers (Dean was nowhere to be found), and then Spencer and Marshall, who kept us laughing and entertained on our long bus ride to and from Edinburgh. We want to somehow see Atonement when it comes out with these kids. They know why.
Hm... guess I don't have as many pictures as I thought I did. There are more picture posts to come, so stay tuned.
oh my gohd, shooz.