I'm SO glad I did. But before that...

Half the group (my half) got dropped off at Trafalgar Square, which was exciting and very busy, it being a Saturday afternoon in the summer and all.

Carlin, Michelle and I sort of jumped through the museum since we were needing coffee and had only a little while until needing to meet our group, so we went straight for all the modernist, expressionist stuff. You know, the stuff I like.

Several other great things we got to see were a few gorgeous sketches by Toulouse-Lautrec, some Cezanne, tons of Monet's, more Van Gogh's and even more Picasso's. The coolest thing for me was probably seeing "The Rokeby Venus" by Valazquez -- what I think is probably one of the most famous and beautiful images ever to display the female form. It's a flawlessly intricate and beautiful painting, in my opinion. And interestingly enough, my favorite part is probably Cupid's wings. Continuing on with my love of noticeable brush strokes, I could probably have stared at the wings for an hour. Anyway, it was cool to see another famous painting, among many.

Hehehe. Just times Dave's adorable-ness by one hundred and you can get an idea of how amazing it is to watch him frolic. He taught everyone to frolic at Sports Day last week. He is a master.

(I included links instead of all the pictures I took of everything, simply because I'm not in any pictures and these Wiki-links include pics and facts. I will never be as informative as The Great and Powerful Wiki.)
The only downer was that we didn't get to see the front of Westminster Abbey, just the back of it. Poop. BUT, seeing Westminster Tower was a lot like seeing the Eiffel Tower: not quite real. Even though it was right in front of me, it still felt super-imposed. It was the only building I got starstruck seeing.

The group kind of split up at that point -- the people who were planning to stay the night going off to check into the hotel, and Maxine and I got some food and heading into the Tate. I was feeling a little museumed-out, but that has never stopped me in the past. I love Modern art, but c'mon. I mean... c'mon. Really? That video? Oy. Either way, I just can't deny how incredible I find certain paintings, and I will never be too tired or cranky to stare at some Kandinsky (to the right: "Swinging") or Pollock or... well, the list goes on.
There was a Dali & Film exhibit, but it was £11, meaning a whopping $22. Not worth it, at least as of yesterday. We might go back, though, 'cause it would be an amazing thing to get to see. Dali was on crack, especially in the films he did with Walt Disney. And I dig crack-induced artists.
A few of the paintings I saw and loved, shown below, in this order, were Picasso's "Seated Nude," Nicola Tyson's "Swimmer," and Francis Picabia's "Otaïti."

At this point, my legs hurt so badly I didn't think I could walk anymore (I have tendon/muscle problems, don't ask). But we still had Othello ahead of us, and normally that would mean 3 hours of sitting and watching a play, which would have been GREAT. Except, we're commoners. And commoners, in the Globe, get to stand for the entire performance. Now, I'm all about authenticity, and Lord knows I love me some Shakespeare, especially when people are brutally murdered, but I did not think I could make it through. But I did. And I'm alive. And my feet/legs still (kind of) work.
The show was sensational. Talk about a minimalist production -- my favorite kind! Period-appropriate costumes, no sets except for a table, benches and a bed (of course). No lighting, no sound. The man playing Othello was so good. He was scaring the crap out of Bree and I, because of his intensity, and we were right near the front of the stage and, not sitting in seats, there was nothing to grab hold of. Desdemona was cute as hell, and died the kind of death that Claire Danes in Stage Beauty would be proud of. My favorite of them all was Rodrigo. I thought he was hot, everyone thought I was crazy, and they maybe would have settled for "cute." But I love me the fool, especially when he steals the show. (Merry Wives of Windsor, Shad Willingham, OSF 2006, anyone??) Fools are the best characters to play, and the most entertaining, because they are open to the most interpretation. Every production, the fool is different. ::sigh:: Rodrigo was the best part of the show for me, and the perfect amount of comic relief.
Afterwards, I filmed a very brief video of Carlin and London at nighttime. If you're interested.
So we made it through the show, with just a little bit of rain trickling down on us, and Carlin, Maxine and I hiked our asses to the buses so we could get home. It was 11 pm and we had a 2 hour bus ride ahead of us, and chips from the Trailer of Life food cart in the Market Square were screaming our name.

It was the nastiest smell to have to sit with for an hour, but luckily we had AC, and being completely frozen was a small price to pay for slightly fresher air. But nothing really helped. As a result, Carlin and I became bandits using the two pashmina scarves I bought.
That's right. You wish you were us.
London was definitely fun. Gonna plan another day-trip or more than one to be able to take our time with non-touristy stuff. It is definitely a city that is over-run with tourists. Ughy ugh.
Guess what!! The guy who played Roderigo was my British Theatre tutor's son! I got to meet him! He's very nice, but he just got married 3 weeks ago. Very Shad...I agree.
ReplyDeleteWe were in London at the same time!
ReplyDeleteBut I was hardly there, like a day and a half.
Your friends seem like tons of fun, and I am so happy you're enjoying all of the traveling!
I can't believe my year abroad is ending...I am actually feeling pretty sad about it. But I am living vicariously through you now, reading your blogs (I wish I had kept a better one during the year). Write me an email PLEASE when you can!
LONDON!! Awww, Stace, the place I want to go most in the world! It's amazing how much you were able to see. I'm very very impressed, but hopefully you'll be able to spend a day there in the future without wearing yourself out!
ReplyDeleteAnd I totally remember that guy from "OZ"! I didn't think I would, but when I clicked on the pic... yup, that's him! Very cool.
re. to Shad Willingham: HERE HERE!
ReplyDeleteand eww i'm so sorry you had to sit thru barfy air.
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