Here we have just a few of the SB girls here at King's, and we're all so pretty. And amazing. We're pretty amazing. =) You can't go out to a bar or expect to be able to party without at least one SB kid. From left to right, that's Bree and then you already know Michelle, Maxine and, well, me.
There may not be a ton of places to go in Cambridge, but this place has some totally chill pubs. I feel as though I've been to all of them. I haven't, but at least the ones near King's and Queen's and Emmanuel Colleges are all pretty familiar at this point. The Anchor was our first stop, then The Bath House, where most of these pics are from. We were also out celebrating the 21st birthday of one of our programme gals, Katrina (she's in my Creative Writing class) -- we tried to make it as energetic as possible since she could actually drink before the stroke of midnight and being 21 means absolutely nothing here. BUT WHO CARES! It was fun!

(Side-track: I cannot WAIT for Scotland!! I'm giddy and annoying just thinking about it. I promise you'll get to see more than the necessary amount of pictures once I get back from that trip. I just need to go on a trip, pronto. Now. Away from schooling-ness. And Cambridge stone cloisters. Not that I don't love it, but... OK I'm stopping.)

See? I don't even know who these guys are, but they're babies and that makes me feel ancient and fat and gray and unaccomplished in my decrepit old age.
I danced with a couple (British?) guys, but you know me: I can't make out with someone if I've never even heard them speak. Sorry to the members of the Stacy Needs to Get Laid Support Group, but I have standards and they begin with being able to know whether potential kissy-partners can speak English or not. I'm not saying they have to, but I at least have to know.
Moving on. The night got significantly better when they started playing this: Panjabi MC's "Mundian To Bach Ke" -- one of the many fantastic songs that "Queer as Folk" was kind enough to bring into my life. I sort of freaked. There's nothing better than dancing and then hearing a song that is one of your favorite dance songs. And seeing as how I love that I can post songs for your listening pleasure, I'm going to. (This is the non-clubbed out version, which I think is better.)
There just isn't enough of that song.

I always feel good when dancing, 'cause I have pretty decent rhythm. But this picture makes me look dangerous. Actually, I like to attribute it to being from Santa Barbara. We dance differently there, as you can see since Michelle has the same idea. British people don't get it. The guys either love it, or they get scared. The latter is more probable, but who can blame the former?! I kid, I kid...
All in all, a good Thursday night.
Tomorrow we are leaving early early early for London and I am going to do my best to try and get some video. It'll be tough, but either way I'll be taking tons o' pictures.
And tonight, I'm finally getting my Indian food. I'd better be getting my Indian food...
I don't think it is the Santa Barbara dancing...guys here are very strange. They'll blatantly check you out, make a ton of eye contact, smile a few times, but never approach. Instead they buy their mates drinks and dance with each other. It was the same with the English guys in Dublin. It's very annoying.