It's a new year. 2013, you guys. I'm feeling so old suddenly.
The usual body and mind resolutions that are so prevalent come January have taken hold of my household. I wouldn't say we've done anything revolutionary, but this year we decided to focus on overall health, which means less of a focus on weight and numbers and scales and mass restrictions. (This, for a life-long, chronic dieter like me is, needless to say, a challenge.)
For years I have aimed for massive weight-loss each January, like the one I had when I was a senior in college, never really coming to terms with the fact that it just won't work this time. It's a hard habit to break; this desire to drop a quick 20 lbs. can be all-encompassing, and even now - 21 days after the implementation of my new, healthful mentality - I am struggling to resist the urge to jump on Medifast.com and order another $300 worth of food that will get me to my goal faster, easier. I'm not allowed to do that this time around. Just ask my handler/boyfriend. He's on crash diet watch.
I'm tackling my body-reawakening in installments, and so far it's been going wonderfully - as far as my strength, endurance, and flexibility is concerned.
Right after the new year changeover, I started up with Jillian Michael's "30-Day Shred" again. This is ol' reliable for me. I've started the 30-day challenge countless times, but have never stuck with it long enough to get a mastery of Level 2 and comfortably situated in Level 3.
Now that my two weeks are over, I must disagree with their assessment. While I didn't experience any weight loss, the change in my body's flexibility and strength was apparent after just one week. The studio also has classes nearly all day long, which means I can go to class whenever I feel like it. I did around 5-6 classes per week, for a total of 11 classes (the 2-week trial fee is $20), and I've enjoyed it immensely.
There are a wide variety of yoga classes to choose from, from meditative/static, to strength-focused/moderate level, to cardio-focused/active, and I was doing approximately two of each type for both weeks during my trial. My last day was this past Sunday, and I am planning on committing to a 3-month unlimited membership starting after the 1st of February. It's an investment, but I feel it's money well spent, especially considering three weeks of Medifast food ran me about $250 - the same price as three months of unlimited yoga. Four classes per week will run me approximately $4.50/class.
Not too shabby, yeah?
Tackling one month of Jillian in conjunction with beginning my foray into the yogic arts is just a part of this body/mind reformation of mine. Rather than focusing on "dieting," Jon and I both are focusing our efforts on cleaner eating and smaller portions, which means listening to our bodies and indulging only on rare occasions.
With the help and inspiration of my dear friend and ex-roommate, Barbara (who has lost an astounding 50 lbs. in the last year), I'm working on finding the proper workout/food intake balance for my body, which has been a massive struggle in past years. I'm using MyFitnessPal to track some of my food so that I know I'm at least getting enough calories to feed my new workouts, but that I also don't overindulge on fats or carbs when I shouldn't.
My motto for 2013. For my mind, my spirit, and my body.
Does anyone else swear by yoga, or even Pilates? Any suggestions for a chubby beginner like me? How has yoga changed your body, and how long before you started noticing results?
Inquiring mind wants to know.
EDIT: At my dear sister's request, a quick update. I failed to mention in this post that SunSpark Yoga, the lovely little studio near the Orange Circle, offers an amazing (and free!) community yoga class on Sunday nights. It's an "all levels" course, and the instructor changes from week to week. I plan on going this weekend, as my interim class before I start my 3-month unlimited stint.
If you're ever in Orange on a Sunday, definitely check it out!
EDIT: At my dear sister's request, a quick update. I failed to mention in this post that SunSpark Yoga, the lovely little studio near the Orange Circle, offers an amazing (and free!) community yoga class on Sunday nights. It's an "all levels" course, and the instructor changes from week to week. I plan on going this weekend, as my interim class before I start my 3-month unlimited stint.
If you're ever in Orange on a Sunday, definitely check it out!
You can do it! I believe in you :D!
ReplyDeleteOh man, Stacy. I think committing to yoga is one of the smartest, healthiest things a person can do. I used to do yoga regularly and definitely noticed a distinct difference in my strength, flexibility, and just how healthy I felt after about 2 months. It feels so good when you can finally get yourself into that headstand or hold whatever pose it is that you've been struggling with. Plus, it's great for your emotional health. It's like therapy and exercise all wrapped up in one. It overlaps in so many ways. And $4.50/class is GREAT. Keep it up!
ReplyDeleteYes. Yoga. Yes. My wrists have a rough go of it sometimes, but it's worth the icing after. Also, I'm on MyFitnessPal and love using it as a reference/guideline and food/exercise journal (find me! the usual "findingkaitlin"), but I'm waiting to get a feel for my imminent new lifestyle in Korea before I begin logging again. Go get 'em, Stace. Like our kickboxing classes at UCSB, I wish I could be your yoga class buddy :)
ReplyDeleteI will definitely find you! I need more friends who will see my logging in every day.
DeleteAnd goodness, that is one thing I wish I could have: a friend to go to yoga with. Jon can't because of school starting up again and the "money issue," so I'll be going solo. It'll be a good challenge for me, tho!
I couldn't be more in favor of doing yoga. My body misses it. It really changed everything for me and helped me lose 10 lbs. Almost like a shock to the system. I slept better because of it, which increased my metabolism. The tension in my back and shoulders disappeared within weeks.
ReplyDeleteWhich is why I'm so desperate to get back to it. More than anything, I suggest not waiting too long before committing to the unlimited 3 months of classes. It will be the PERFECT thing to get you in the right space before Mexico! =) And also, I wish I was down there with you. I may very well come and spend a week down there with you at some point in the future so that I can try the unlimited 2-week trial. And hey, that free Sunday class, as well! You didn't mention that in the post, but you should! It's amazing that SunSpark offers it, and everyone should know about it!
love you, and so happy you're getting into yoga now. <3