Our Memorial Day weekend was spent waste deep in sawdust, primer, paint, and lots and lots of stuff. (It's amazing what you'll find in the back of the lesser-used cabinets!)
I wish I could say I have some beautiful "after" shots for you, but instead you're stuck with something a little less eye-catching.
I wish I could say I have some beautiful "after" shots for you, but instead you're stuck with something a little less eye-catching.
Progress shots.
My parent's house is currently a maze of cabinet-covered tables. White cabinet-covered tables, to be exact.
It was a very busy weekend.
When I last posted, cabinet doors and drawer fronts were being removed and wiped down, all in preparation for sanding. The sanding process was tiring, back-breaking work, but we managed to get everything (23 cabinets, 9 drawers, and the static kitchen surround) primed by the end of the day on Saturday. This was after, of course, everything in all of the cabinets was removed and placed in various locations all over the house, the most prominent of which was our booze cabinet.
(Side note: Between my parents' collection and Jon's and my collection of alcohol, we could stock a full cocktail bar. I mean, who do you know that actually has anisette liqueur and peach brandy at their disposal? I know. We're the snootiest.)
Sunday, we were able to get the first coat of "Steam" on all of the cabinet fronts and surround, which meant the backs were done on Monday. Currently, we have 2 more coats left on the front and 1 on the back, with a necessary 24 hour waiting period between coats.

This will take us all week, but it's gonna be sooooo worth it. Next time I post? After shots. Stay tuned.
Psst... In addition to the new cabinets, my parents actually took the plunge this weekend (taking advantage of yet another Memorial Weekend deal—this time at Lowe's) and bought a Frigidaire Gallery refrigerator and dishwasher to match their existing microwave and stove/oven. That means the "after shots" will be all the more beautiful. I can't wait!
Sunday, we were able to get the first coat of "Steam" on all of the cabinet fronts and surround, which meant the backs were done on Monday. Currently, we have 2 more coats left on the front and 1 on the back, with a necessary 24 hour waiting period between coats.
This will take us all week, but it's gonna be sooooo worth it. Next time I post? After shots. Stay tuned.
Psst... In addition to the new cabinets, my parents actually took the plunge this weekend (taking advantage of yet another Memorial Weekend deal—this time at Lowe's) and bought a Frigidaire Gallery refrigerator and dishwasher to match their existing microwave and stove/oven. That means the "after shots" will be all the more beautiful. I can't wait!